Reason 1 to use MyLinks: See all your records in one place. Your health data is fractured across multiple clinics, making it almost impossible to get a clear understanding of your conditions and health trends. Aggregate them into one place, fully under your control.
Reason 2 to use MyLinks: Share your records with whomever you wish. Statistics show that 20% of your doctors will not have a copy of your records from another provider when you arrive for an appointment. Don’t reschedule for another day! Take your records with you.
Reason 3 to use MyLinks: Easily manage your entire family’s records from a single login.
Reason 4 to use MyLinks: MyLinks can show you more health data than your patient portal. Many portals have very little data and are hard to use. MyLinks uses new technology based on laws designed to give you more access to your data. (See more about FHIR here)
Reason 5 to use MyLinks: If your clinic moves to a new electronic health record, you’ll lose access to your current electronic records. Download a copy into MyLinks today to keep them safe.
Reason 6 to use MyLinks: If you or your loved one has an emergency, you’ll have easy access to your records and can conveniently share temporary access with the ER doctors.
Reason 7 to use MyLinks: Don’t be a statistic! Medical errors are responsible for 250,000 deaths each year. Many of those deaths are due to incorrect or missing health information. Download your records to make sure they are accurate and complete, then share them with your doctors to make sure they have correct and complete information about you. Be an empowered patient and care giver!
Reason 8 to use MyLinks: 3 of 10 labs must be redone because they cannot locate the previous lab. Take them with you…saving you money and time…and a stick in the arm!
Reason 9 to use MyLinks: 84% of EHR notes have at least 1 error with an average of 7.8 errors per patient. Some of those errors can impact the rest of your life. Download your data. Make sure it is correct.
Reason 10 to use MyLinks: 20% of malpractice claims involve missed or delayed diagnoses due to deficits in hand-offs between providers. You have the right to download your medical records. Don’t be a statistic due to bad communication between providers! Take control of your care. It is your right.
Reason 11 to use MyLinks: Add important documents to your MyLinks account to have them available when needed (Advance Directive, Power of Attorney, etc.) Make sure your family has your most recent Advance Directive. In some states, if it is not in writing with your signature, your requests will not be honored. Keep a copy in your MyLinks account for easy access.
Reason 12 to use MyLinks: Share management of your records to better coordinate your care. Some days are hard, and we need a loved one to help keep our records and schedules straight. With MyLinks, you can send an invitation to someone else to allow them to help manage your account.
Reason 13 to use MyLinks: Monitor trends in your health by connecting your health devices and having all your data in one spot.
Reason 14 to use MyLinks: Make your telehealth visits easier and safer. Telehealth is becoming more popular in the US. One of the biggest problems for remote televisits is the ability for physicians to see a complete view of your medical history. With MyLinks, it is easy for you to give your telehealth doc temporary access to view your records. Once the visit is over, you can remove access with a click of a button.
Reason 15 to use MyLinks: Keep a health journal. Studies have shown that keeping a journal helps improve your health and may also help you spot a trend in your health status.